Monday, May 24, 2010

The hallmark of a great captain is the ability to win the toss, at the right

The main job is to be the team leader of the team on the day/week of the event

Team representative: Represent the team in all official matters, including the appeals

Team leadership: No cheerleader but instill confidence in all players by maintaining positive attitude throughout the tournament.

Work with team and players to set performance target.

"If the highest aim of a captain were to preserve his ship, he would keep it in port forever". So a captain must be prepared for a losing day and support team in refocus if poor initial performance. Consistent atttitude whether things are good or bad


Ensure best conditions for tournament (appropriate accomodation, foodstuff, getting early, plenty of rest...)

Ensure apppropriate pre-game and post-game routines.

Game plan:

General sitting strategy, based on knowledge of competitors and players, supported by coach pre and during tournament.

Keep track of performance on the day. Decides who plays when and against whom.

Makes clear decisions and equally important is clear communication of the overall plan to players.

Event report:

Keep track of team performance and report on performance of the team, including thoughts/feedback from players, lessons learnt...

A winning team is a team where all have the ability, and all know it. They support each other , pick each other up, and they never never quit.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

The player, the competitors, and the game strategy

The role of the coach will be along 3 lines:

  1. Players/partnership Development: Assessment - Learning- Development -Remediation
  2. Tournament preparation - Knowlege of competitions - (system, style, skill level, application, apparent strength, weak points)
  3. Tournament support - provide input to captain as to sitting strategy
  4. Tournement performance review - input into captain report

Players development:
The first step will be to assess the current skills set. The first step of any improvment is the active knowledge that something needs improvment. The assessment will be based on
  • Past performance
  • Self-assessment
  • Peers assessment

The assessment is partly partnership based as a player alone can never win a world title all by himself.

Technical skills - (not fully based on past performance as other factors interfer on technique)
  • Technical knowledge - %, combinations, deceptive play.. techniques. Assessment based on a set of constructed hands to be played in training sessions. This may well be mainly targetted to the developing players.
  • Partnership system - Completness and efficiency
  • System knowledge
  • Partnership defense skills

Performance skills - (this is primarily based on observation of past peformance and self- assessment)
  • Competitive style
  • Focus style
  • Competitive strengths & weaknesses
  • Demonstrated level of commitment
  • partnership skills
  • Full assessment of performance in last 10 major tournaments:
  • Efficiency of system in a competitive arena
  • System usage
  • Application of technical skills
  • Number/type of unforced errors - bidding
  • Number/type of unforced errors - defense
  • Number/type of unforced errors - play
  • Missed opportunies
  • Displayed areas of strength
  • Behavior outside game time
  • Tournament preparation
  • Refocus skills
  • External relevant factors

The defense rests

Ever played in a tournament where you lost the title by an imp or 2?
Well, this is not the story here but we would do well to remember that every imp count when we play a game anywhere. Here is a hand where the importance of appropriate focus would have come in handy.
The result on the board was to tie instead of us taking an couple of imps.
1C(1) 1D P(2) P
(1) 16+
(2) less than 5hcp
I was so buy thinking about the auction and my failure to bid that I did stop to think about the defense for more than 10 seconds.

Your hand

HJ led.
How do you defend ? Why?

Monday, May 17, 2010

No more excuses !

Often when a player makes a mistake, he is quite prone to offer by the way of justification:

"How I was nervous" or "I was tired from last nite" or "I was psyched out" or any other excuse that seems relevant at the time. The excuse is likely to be a good one and to the point. Then the issue is put to rest and forgotten until the next time.

ButI fail to see how it makes anything better. Whether an error is due to due to lack of knowledge, faulty logic or faulty thinking or whether it is due to a lack of attention, the result is the same. What is the use of being clever if we do not capitalise on our talent.

If a player does not takes as much care improving his performance skills as he works on improving his technical knowledge, the gold will always be eluding him.

So next time you want to pull out the good old excuse card, remember: What are you going to do different to ensure it does not happen again.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

No two ways about it

When you look at all the aspects that need to be right to win a major tournament, you realise that there is not 2 ways about it:

A winning team needs a coach. A winning team needs a captain.

While the roles can overlapp, they are distinct requirements.

The coach focuses on the development of the players skills and performance. Clearly bridge knowledge is important, but more important is the understanding how one goes about achieving best performance, both technical skills and performance skills. The coach knows the players, their strenght and weaknesses. The coach also knows the strength and weaknesses of the opposing players.

The captain is in charge of the team on the big day. The captain ensure that the team gets there in good time, ensure optimal conditions, decides on the sitting strategy, observse performance on the day, decides who goes in, who gets to sit out, who plays whom. The captain goes to the appeal, and mabe most important of them all, the captain has/shows a winning attitude and keeps the spirit up throughout.

In both bases, bridge knowledge is necessary. But while knowledge that is required, it does not require the same expertise as what the players themselve needs (appeals aside maybe).

Next post will then be the jobs for each of these mythical people.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Quest for the "zone"

As bridge is a game where the learning never stops, it is important to understand the various stages of learning in our quest for self-improvement.
There are 4 stages through the learning process and understanding how we move though it and how our performance will very accordingly is important if we are not to be discouraged when we get a setback.

Another aspect is to look at all the factors that we need to get right. No wonder it is a tough game :
  • Comfort Zone
  • Emotional Control
  • Expectations , that can lead to fear of failure
  • Focus – both intensity, duration and style
  • Mental Preparation
  • Motivation
  • Perfectionism
  • Self-Confidence , lack or excess of it
  • Self-Esteem
  • Stress Reduction
  • Psychology of Recovery
  • Team Dynamics
  • Game Strategies
  • Goal Setting
  • Mental Imagery

    Now start making your own list.